Monday, October 30, 2006

Template for Online Modules

The following is a template that can be used for online learning modules.

The start of the template is an adaptation to the audience and an introduction to the materials. In this section the instructor has the opportunity to inspire students, including providing a frame of reference for how the content fits into the course and into the broader context of the degree program. Faculty also have the opportunity to state why the topic is personally important, such as,

"while providing my consulting services, I find the most important part of the exchange is the clear documentation of the scope and expectations of both parties in the contract. Learning from having been 'burned', my contracts are now several pages long to help clarify expectations and provide a clear process to help ensure that the consultation can be successful. This module introduces basic contract law, so that when you are creating your own contracts with vendors or customers, you will better understand the sections that should be included in the contracts as well as the extent of liabilities you could face if performance is lacking."

Next, students should be provided with a clear and comprehensive checklist of the specific activities they are responsible to complete during this module. This helps students focus there attention and studies as well as alleviates the concern about "unwelcome surprises."

Next, students should be given specific learning objectives / goals and the measures that will be used to determine the accomplishment of those objectives / goals. Learning objectives should be very specific and measureable, and assessments need to be designed as a means of measuring progress toward the learning objectives.

Instructors must guide the learning. If the course textbooks are well produced, the instructor content is facilitation toward the best use of the materials. If the content in the textbook is poor, then faculty need to develop new content that clearly presents the topics to students in the online format.

After the content is delivered, students with further interests should be referred to other sources of information for follow-up. These might be websites, professional organizations/societies, journals & databases, authors and books in the field, and conferences / exhibits / conventions related to the topics in the module.

Title - Module Name

Introduction to Module (adaptation to the audience)

  • As the instructor, I feel this content is important because ....
  • The reasons you should be interested in this content are ....
  • This content will allow you to ....
  • Skills you will learn include ...
  • Of particular interest ...

Checklist To Complete the Module

  • Required Readings:
  • Supplementary Readings:
  • Required Research:
  • Quizzes:
  • Homework:
  • Discussions:
  • Other Participation Activities:

Learning Objectives and Assessments

By the completion of this module, the student should be able to do the following:

  • Properly identify the terms ..., concepts of ..., and theories of ... presented in the chapter. You will demonstrate meeting this objective by successfully completing the online quiz found under the QUIZZES tool.
  • Apply the key concepts of ... and processes of ... detailed in the chapter to new work problems. You will demonstrate meeting this objective by properly identifying the issues, the boundaries, and the alternatives within the case study and then defend your recommended course of action.
  • Demonstrate the proper process and choice of tools ... and formulas ... . You will demonstrate your competency in this objective by completed the assigned homework problems on ... and providing discussion responses on ... in a clear and organized format including citing processes and resources as appropriate.

Special instructions on completing these assignments will be listed in this document at ....

Additional Instructor-Provided Content

The content you are giving students would appear here.

Resources and Further Exploration

Campus Links

External Links

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