Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bloom's Taxonomy updated for the Digital Classroom

I found a presentation by Joshua Coupal on which explains Bloom's taxonomy of learning as it relates to the digital classroom. If you haven't yet seen - it is a free way to create dynamic and interactive presentations (rather than the same old PowerPoints).

Joshua Coupal created a great presentation which also demonstrates extremely well how might be used.

Check out his presentation at:

1 comment:

The Educator said...

Thanks for looking at the presentation! I am very enthusiastic about introducing technology into classrooms. The presentation was part of an assignment for a course on classroom assessment. Currently I am interning in a Grade 8 class where technology is the focus for many of the students' studies. With your permission I would like to use you Blog as an example for the students of how technology is a means of connecting a global community. Our goal is to make sure students share their work with the world.