Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Course Evaluations

A faculty member recently asked what should be done in online course sites about course evaluations (when students provide feedback about a course after grades are posted).

Most Instructional Management Systems allow the construction of surveys which can collect results anonymously.

Here are some questions I would consider as part of a course evaluation in an online course site.

(Likert scale – from Never to Sometimes to Frequently to Always)

  1. The course topics and learning objectives matched those found in the college catalog.
  2. The course content was delivered in an organized and structured manner.
  3. The course resources (textbooks, online articles, media resources) were appropriate for a college-level course.
  4. The assignment instructions and grading criteria were clearly stated.
  5. The instructor was respectful toward me and other students in the class.
  6. The instructor was knowledgeable about the content and its related applications.
  7. The instructor was willing to answer questions within a reasonable timeframe.
  8. (Open ended questions / essay style)
    The part of this course I enjoyed the most was…
  9. The part of this course which was most difficult was…
  10. This course could be improved by…
  11. (Self reporting)
    On average, the number of hours I spent studying and completing assignments for this course was ___.
  12. I feel the grades I received on assignments fairly reflected the amount of effort I put into those assignments. (Never Sometimes Mostly Always)
  13. This class had been a good investment of my time and my tuition dollars. (Agree / Disagree)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those that don't have evaluations built-in to their instruction systems, look at Zoomerang's Education Survey Center for online surveys. The basic account is free.